September 1, 2010

Spring time

Flowers In Bag © Evelyn Howard 2010

We went to a cafe named Nacional for breakfast. We joined some people at a huge table. There were 2 bunches of flowers on the table; both were wrapped in brown paper bag. They were standing upright, so I guess there must be a vase or a bottle inside the paper bag. I think it’s a very attractive way to show off the flowers. It’s also very unique. I am not sure if these buds are tulips… but I just wanted to draw them.

It was nice and warm indoors at breakfast. But outside, it was wet and cold… Anyway, Spring is here, and it puts a smile on my face. I am looking forward to warmer days.

H0pe you are having a nice day.

Creative Every Day


Reanaclaire said...

hi Evelyn.. you have a nice day too.. beautiful tulips to brighten up the day...

Sadami said...

Dear Evelyn,
Nice drawing! You are a sooo creative person at anywhere, everywhere and anytime. Look forward to next!
Cheers, Sadami

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

how long did you stay there sketching. brown paper bags are fashionable with environmentalist. I bought some flowers, and the florist wrapped it in brown paper.

Kaori said...

You drew those flowers to look so pretty and inviting! Did you just start drawing at the cafe? What a lovely way of remembering the things you see and like :D

Rob said...

Really a nice drawing! Impressive work on all of your drawings. Interesting about the brown paper bag as a showpiece vase covering. It is simplistic and draws attention to the flowers.

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