Remember the above photo which I posted a while back, on the birds found in a scrapbooking shop? I converted the bird to stamps and here is one example of the use of my DIY stamps:
Here is a brooch made from porcelain with an imprint of a stamp. This was glazed and fired at 1200°C (2200°F).
And the back with metal clip secure
Another view of the brooch
And here is a mock up with a model wearing the brooch. The brooch will brighten up your outfit, and you can even use it on your hat or bag for that extra lift. It's pretty and it's fun.
I had a great time making this, and I am making number of similar ones. Because they are hand made, every piece will be one-of-a-kind, and unique.
Essential information:
Artist: Evelyn Howard Medium: Glazed porcelain (fired at 1200 °C), with metal pin at the back Size: Diameter - 1.6 inch Price: AUD$14.50 Shipping: - Australia AUD$1.40 - Overseas AUD$2.50 |
If you have questions, do write it in the comment box below.
(I have just learnt how to create the paypal button, so I hope it works.
If you have questions about creating one for you site, do let me know and hopefully I will be able to help.)
that's simply awesome!
Thanks Wenn. It was fun making it. :)
gorgeous brooch!
Thanks Christine.
It's very sweet. The coloring is perfect. :)
Thanks Debbie. I might keep it for myself :)
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